Baxters was great to get a good buzz going off one drink, then hit all the other places after. Alcapulco's, really great for daytime, happy hour and group of friends with pitchers of Margarita's. What I hated about Baxter's is that it was so big, if you saw a cute face way on the other side, they'd be gone by the time you weaved your way over to check them out! Gonzales Hacienda, OMG through my highschool years, my friends and I ate there every week. For some reason, it was the best food for a hangover. Anyone remember TKO and what was that other one on other side of Fransisco Blvd. That was fun too, untill they put all those blacklights up in the worst possible spots.
OMG!! Back in the 80s my best friend and I went to Baxter's just about every Saturday night. My alcohol intake has not been topped since those days :). I only wanted to go there to dance, which would make people laugh when I'd say that, but really I did. Yeah, I gave out alot of fake phone numbers and flirted plenty but thank God never did anything I would really regret. Lots of memories at Baxter's!!!
Cool. Thanks Steve. Gonzalez' Hacienda. 2nd and B St. I didn't know they tried to keep it going over at Larkspur Landing. I always liked Ramona's on C St. by the fire station. Everything was cooked to order. R.
Rick, If you pull in to the Larkspur Landing entrance that is across from the movie theatre and immedeatly turn to your right, you'll see Fidelity Investments that was Baxter's and then Berman's of Marin (and maybe something in between).
It still has the entrance that looks like a club. The next building to the left was Acapulco which has lost it's personality on the outside and inside, but it's still obvious looking at it, what it was.
It became the swan song for Gonzalez' Hacienda and then offices.
I remember the name Cat. Where the heck was Baxters ? Also; there was a really popular Mexican restaurant in Larkspur Landing. Was it Acapulco ? Thanks, Rick.
Wow! Thanks for bringing back some great memories. Baxters was the happening place in the early 80's. I didn't have the same experience you had, but being new parents, whenever we were able to get a night off , Baxters was the place to go. Especially with a group of friends. And more important, since we lived in Corte Madera, it was a safe drive home! We always ordered the large appetizer plate with the greasy potato skins and fried zucchini sticks as soon as we arrived and then proceeded to dance the night away. We'd make it a point to get there early so we could get a booth right on the dance floor. Those were the days!
Admit it! If you were twenty-something in the mid-eighties you partied at Baxters. If you were anything like certain people I know, you first partied at Chevys (which had just opened) with Margarita pitchers, then piled 6 people into a volkswagon bug and smoked some herb with the windows rolled up, then drove a short distance down the road (thank god) to Baxters, where you proceeded to drink more, dance, become paranoid, call a cab to take you home, and have the cabbie take one look at you and make a 5 mile detour to your house. You were so happily smashed, you enjoyed the detour and gave the cabbie a nice tip!
Do you know anyone who did things like that at Baxters?