I enjoy clean living today after using what you did at the same time and after buying them on Telegraph Ave. I could see how people could jump out of a fourth story window expecting to fly. One time after taking a new stronger one, I was at a friend's house on Ridgewood near the corner of Edgewood. I asked "What's going to happen ?" He said that in about 20 minutes something will happen like a lamp getting up and walking out of the room. We walked to the corner, stuck out our thumbs and a spaceship picked us up and took us to Mountain Home Inn where we floated up the fire road. We got seperated and I collapsed and passed out, woke up some time later feeling like I was in a dream. I'm glad I lived through that and didn't do anything again except for some organic/synthetic (?) mescaline which was like strong pot (we just went hiking/tripping) and then in the early 80's having a few tabs of "paper" which were weaker. I wandered through the Marin City flea market laughing at every vendor, got into my car and pulled over every half-mile thinking the wheels were falling off. That's no way to live. I don't recomend it. Never again.
It's been 38 years since they outlawed the ergot to make pure LSD , I have heard stories how some people have some Sandoz pharmaceutical in the freezer. If they did I would pay $10.00 per microgram for a taste. Marin was blessed and cursed by a wide variety of psychedellic drugs and the chemists who made them. I feel that after 38 years of not taking the drugs I can finally talk about it online . I remember the first drug I took in 1968 , it was Orange Wedge , a mixture of the horrible " STP " , a drug invented by the U.S. government for chemical warfare and some soldiers got a hold of the formula and gave it to some underground chemists. Suposedly they mixed it with some of Owsley's LSD and when we took it , it was so powerful and colorful until the next day when the LSD wore off and we were on STP nightmare high for another day. After taking Orange Wedge , anything was much better. Next we tried all the local " bathtub acid " , the Blue Flats , purple Microdot , and a myrad of other mediocre drugs. Out at Muir Beach during an Acid test I tried some White Owlsley, that was some good quality LSD. We were tripping and a cool hippy invited us into his panel wagon and smoked a joint with us. That totallly amplified the trip and then he broke out the big book of M.C. Escher. We stared at those drawings for hours and I was awe struck. Later when I was lying in my sleeping bag on the beach the sky was full of Eschers drawings. I think Agustus Stanly Owlsley was a darn good chemist , but he could not even come close to Sandoz. In 1969 Southern and West Marin was bombarded with Sandoz. Beautiful pink tabs with blue spreckels in them. They were 1000 micrograms each. It's like someone knew that that was the last round of the best and it would never be again. I remember the last time I took a half tab up at 4 corners with a friend, I looked down at Mill Valley and it seemed everything was interlocked ( networked together ) which is true. Even though I didn't know at the time that there would be no more pure LSD, I made up my mind that I have seen all I could see with LSD and I knew that was my last fling. That was back in 1970. I'm sure a lot of people have expierenced the movement in Marin. Marin is a high good energy center of the universe.