I saw a map in the Chron a long time ago, and if I can find it I'll post it, It showed The Embarcadero Freeway (I-480) extending through Fishermen's Wharf to today's Doyle Drive and then after crossing the Golden Gate it followed Alexander Ave down to Bridgeway in Sausalito all the way to the Richardson Bay Bridge. It also showed Sir Francis Drake Blvd as a proposed freeway from 101 all the way to Olema.
It should be in the Chronicle archives. Can you image eating at Hamburgers 737 Bridgeway and looking at a freeway? Walking out of Good Earth Natural Foods in Fairfax and looking at a freeway ?
The Master plan called for an 8 lane freeway branching off 101 , cutting through Mill Valley and winding across Bolinas Ridge and landing at the Bolinas lagoon. They were going to use the cut from the road to fill in the lagoon and build a giant marina and shopping center in Bolinas lagoon , with Safeway as an anchor tenant. I don't know if they had a name but it would probably have been something like " Marina del Bo. Also the Gulf oil co. had plans drawn for a city of 50.000 peolple called MarinCello to be built in what is now Marin Headlands , on the coast between Ft. Chronkite and Tenessee Valley. The entrance structure is still there at the parking lot at the end of Tenessee Valley Rd. This was to be a community without cars , promoted by Gulf Oil ! I was friends with a kid in Stinson Beach in the early 60's , Mark Dawson . His mother was Ellen Dawson , she was an activist who with others started a huge movement against the plans , and succeded in thwarting the plans. We all owe them a huge THANK YOU for preserving one of the best parts of the county. If the plans were carried out , West Marin would have been totally destroyed and look like Los Angeles , it would no longer have been special , but just like most other heavily populated parts of our coastline. Think of how much money the purpetrators of the scam could have made , and now we have this wave of newcommers to Marin who call us longtime locals NIMBY's , they can't understand why we rejected " The Plan "