Reply To: The Storm of Feb. 9 , 1960 (Archived from Original Forum)
I hope you'll post some more about growing up in Stinson Beach. It was one of my favorite destinations growing up, and always fun because of the winding drive over the mountain from Mill Valley culminating with lunch on the beach and jumping in the often freezing water.
Our family had just moved to Stinson Beach on Feb. 6 , 1960 to a house right on the beach. I remember being in the living room about 9:00 am when a wave came crashing through the front window and filling the house with water up to my neck, ( I was only 4 years old ) The State Park rangers came in and rescued us off the bed in the back room. My mother still has a copy of the article in the IJ. It was a huge storm that hit Marin , 40 foot waves at Stinson and 30 foot waves at Muir Beach , the ocean sent a 25 foot log into the Muir Beach Tavern and damaged many homes on Stinson Beach , as well as doing extensive damage all over Marin , ( over the hill ) . Welcome to Stinson Beach ! We moved to a house up on the hill after that. This is only the beginning of a very exciting bunch of memorys I have of growing up in Stinson Beach that I will get to later.