twas the market, the bank, some stores, big gravel area where they had a spot called 'bouncie land", you could rent a trampoline for a quarter or so. Sometimes we go carted in the lot and on the gravel. early sixties.
The Store at Masonic & Fulton is not Lucky's but Albertsons. From what I have been told by the employee's is that it is one on the stores that are not going to change there name.
Speaking of the Bon Air bowling alley, I'm still looking for photos of this over the years. If anyone has an old pic from a birthday party or whatever, please send!
There used to be wild rabbits behind there. And lots of broken glass and dirt hills.
Also, who was Petrini? Was he from Marin? Anyone have any info on this person? I have a faint memory that there was more than one Petrini's store. Am I wrong?
Actually, What I meant was this, The Mollie/Petrini's building seems to be from the old center (last building on the south end) meaning it was there before Petrini's when Bon Air Super was at the norh end. If I am correct, then there must have been other stores originally in the Petr/Mollie spot.
Yes,it was just empty land. I lived in Greenbrae on Corte Real off South Eliseo in the early 70s and am amazed at how much development there has been in the area since then. All the empty lots around where I lived have been filled with medical buildings, condo and apartments. Also, there was nothing south of the (much smaller) Bon Air Shopping Center except the bowling alley. Now that area is filled with office buildings, houses, condos and a much expaned Bon Air Shopping Center. There was also a big open field on the stretch of Magnolia between Bon Air Road & downtown Larkspur that is now covered with high density housing. That's progress?
It just so happens I was there last night. Mollie Stones does occupy the Petrini space. The old Petrini neon " LIQUORS " sign is still there on the overhang. If I remember correctly; Petrini's used to be the last store on the strip. Not the case anymore. The mall extends well to the east. What was there before ? An empty lot maybe ?
From what I remember, Mollie Stones occupies the exact same space as Petrini's. My mother used to take us shopping there, I remember Petrini's deli used to fabricate pizzas , that was the highlight of the shopping trip, to get a pizza with green onions and cheese.
What was where Mollie Stone's is ? It is a large store and the produce section is clearly a whole different store (originally). Did Petrini's have both ?
I remember taking a narrow road across a field where the Long's and Chevy's went in later.
The Bon Air Supermarket was where David M. Brian is now and I'm drawing a blank on Mollie's space.
Who remembers all the shops in the old Bon Air Shopping Center, when it was fraction of is current size? There was also a bowling center just to the south of it which served as the temporarily location of the Marin Airporter before it was torn down to build the Drakes Landing Office complex. South of that were some open fields which are now the location of all those cute townhouses