These are cool but pretty small and hard to make out. Would you mind sending me the larger copies and allowing me to post them in the main MarinNostalgia website along with all the other photos in their respective years and cities?
It's great that people want to share the photos in the Forum but please email me a normal sized copy directly so I can share them within the larger audience in the main "virtual museum".
Thanks again for sharing these in the first place! I'll look into why you're being forced by the Forum to upload such small versions. It's probably a technical thing I can change once I figure it out.
Here are a couple of pictures I took at Jon's Food To Go in 1970. Jon's was the first burrito shop in Marin that I know of, predating the surge of the 1970s and 80s. He was short, Japanese, trained in Los Angeles at El Tepeyac. We ate there all the time. Notice the prices, made for high school kids! $1.25 for a Chickurrito and 65 cents for a Sausarito (he also made a Strawburrito). In reality, the meat (other than the chicken) was deep-fried pork and the "Mexican" sauce based on pizza sauce, but it was delicious!