Thanks again Paul. I grew up in the Gerstle Park area. I'd forgotten about the flagpole that used to be on the lawn in the park. It's amazing how one photo can bring back such a flood of memories.
There was also a fantastic drinking fountain just to the left of your shot. It was a bronze ( I think ) sculpture with 3 fish looking like they were jumping up from a lake. Some thieves made off with it years ago.
Three of the walsh family photo's having to do with a fire, are of the fire at fourth st. The whole north block between D and E st. burned in 1957.The Odd Fellow's lodge was on the corner of fourth and D st.The fire started in a building behind the lodge on D st, then spred to E st,and then across the street.The only building that survived is that old bank building which is still there on fourth and E st west side across from West America bank.The lodge was a beautiful old building from the 1800's.In 1958 a new lodge was built on mission st,and continues to this day.The picture on this post looks like a different fire, I'm not sure.
I'd been wondering about this slide, which dates from the early to mid-60s, and that I'd labeled simply "Gerstle Park" at the time. Now, thanks to Google Street View, I've figured out that it was taken from inside the park, looking north out the front entrance to a then-rather dilapidated old house across the street on San Rafael Ave. Now, as you can see from the Google Street View inset, it's been fixed up rather nicely.
Wasn't it a boarding house at the time? A guy named Malcom Schlette was convicted of setting that fire I think, after he was released from prison he gunned down former Marin County prosecutor William Weissich in his San Rafael office as an act of revenge, Schlette comitted suicide when police were close to capturing him some time in the 1990's I think.
Here's a photo courtesy of The Walsh Family Collection of the Lodge catching on fire in the '50s. Can anyone describe exactly where the Lodge was and what it was used for?