Mid early 60's there were major egg and tomato showdowns at the Kent estate in Kent Woodlands. Perps chucked rotten fruit at everyone, everything and that was including the sheriff cars. Pretty outrageous and certainly noteworthy in my memory
No trick or treating memories to share? I'm surprised!
The thing I remember most about trick or treating in Kentfield during the mid-70's was the morning after Halloween. Hanken Drive and Laurel Grove were absolutely covered with shattered pumpkins, seeds, and shaving cream.
Here's a current Marin Halloween story. As part of my job as a Realtor yesterday I had to investigate a really old shack in Sun Valley, San Rafael. Personally, I think the home is a complete tear down but they're attempting to sell it for somewhere around $450,000. (How's that for scary!?!) Anyway, there's a tenant still living in the property. When I walked in to take some photos she said, "Tell your clients I cleared it of all the spirits. You should offer my services to all your clients. I'll get the ghosts out of houses for them."
Evidentially she's a psychic.
I asked, "What kind of spirit was living in here? Former owner?"
"No", she said. An older spirit who used to live on this spot before it was built up. (The house was built in 1929.)
"Native American?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said. "But I got rid of him."
"And his name was...?" I can't help myself in these sorts of situations. I'm always curious where these kinds of conversations are going to take me. And, who knows... maybe it was Chief Marin or something. Could make for a great MarinNostalgia story.
"I don't know his name," she replied.
"What if a Seller or Buyer decides never to clean out their home of spirits," I said, "What happens? Do the spirits move stuff around? Throw things?"
"No," she said, "I've never encountered that. But a spirit can cause irritability and a sense of uneasiness for people living in the house. Anxiety. Sickness."
Suddenly I began feeling something in my throat and chest and I started to cough.
Was the spirit still there? Had another taken its place?
Or maybe I'm just allergic to mold. We'll never know...