Was it at the old Meadowsweet Dairy, where artists or something is now right where the road starts to go up the hill behind the former Cadillac/Saab dealership ? _____________________________________________________________________________
How much actual damage happened as a result of the tsunami ? I heard stories of it impacting some local marinas in Marin, but wasn't sure to what extent it really did. In the late '90's there was an earthquake that struck during the summer & did some damage in Bolinas, it struck in the early evening. I was trolling for salmon that evening around the north end of Racoon Straits on an outgoing tide, looking towards the Golden Gate we saw a wave about 18 inches high that was the width of the bay coming towards our boat on top of the outgoing tide flow, I commented to my buddy "tsunmai wave" we watched it roll gently by. After catching a nice salmon we headed back to Paradise Cay as the sun was going behind the hills, after securing my boat and starting to unload it a woman sitting in a parked car yelled down to us "did you guys here there was an earthquake in Bolinas earlier?"
I remember the tsunami scare...I was only five years old..we lived in Bel Aire in Tiburon..we gathered a bunch of stuff..I'm not sure where we went..probably into the hills of Sausalito..I remember crying because we couldn't find the cat..so we left her behind.
CMM wrote: Does anyone remember Meadowsweet Private School in Corte Madera?
Was it at the old Meadowsweet Dairy, where artists or something is now right where the road starts to go up the hill behind the former Cadillac/Saab dealership ?
I remember the Tsunami warning, and yes, police and firemen knocking on doors in the middle of the night,,, or it seemed,, We all packed up for higher ground also... I wasn't going until my Mom let me put my dog in the car also.. We drove up to the hill in Scabo and waited it out. Then came back..
I remember the Tsunami warning. My family owned and also lived at the Hi-Ho Motel, which was where the Mill Valley Travel Lodge is today on Redwood Hwy. just south of Goodman's Lumber. I was 7 years old at the time and I remember my mom waking me up in the middle of the night saying we had to leave because of a tidal wave warning. My dad drove us to our friends home in Stawberry on Ricardo Road and then he went back to the motel to make sure all the customers had left. After a couple of hours, they called it off and my dad came back to drive us home. I remember being pretty scared and not being able to go to sleep at our friends home. The next day I arrived at school a little late. Does anyone remember Meadowsweet Private School in Corte Madera?
I was just born that year, so I don't remember, but my mother's best friend was living in Mariner's Cove, on Morningstar Course, I believe. They were told to leave in case of the "tidal wave". Those houses must have been just built.
Does anyone remember the tsunami alert in March 1964. I think it was a result of an earthquake in Alaska.
Did your family take off for higher ground?
We had just arrived in Marin (same month I believe) from New York and a neighbor came by pounding on all the neighbor doors in the middle of the night telling us all to move to higher ground. Being new to the area, I'm sure my parents freaked out. They did load us all in the car and drove to higher ground.
Thank goodness, the tsunami never materialized in our area.