A reminder that there's a Larkspur Historic Walk scheduled for this Saturday, April 21 at 10 AM, starting at West Baltimore and Magnolia. It's one of two, each held twice each year, sponsored by the Larkspur Parks and Recreation Department and the Larkspur Heritage Committee. This one loops down Magnolia to Doliver ("Dark") Park, up the Canyon a few blocks, then cuts back over to West Baltimore. Along the way, host Dick Cunningham provides a fascinating running commentary on the history and eclectic architecture of the homes in the area. See them now before they're all torn down and replaced by lot-filling stucco and plastic monstrosities! It's an easy-going stroll and lasts about two hours.
Right now, the weather forecast for Saturday looks iffy, but it seems to be changing hour by hour. Significant rain would cancel it. Dick's number for further info is 924-6976.
I'll be going down to check it out one way or another.