Good points cat. Some new commers and visitors don't know that is is very rude to honk your horn on some of our skinny little goat trails we have for roads. Just slow down and expect to meet a car around every turn. Honking horns should forbidden anywhere in Marin , especially in quiet areas. Myself I never fully honk my horn at anyone , once in a while if I see someone I know or if another driver shows some courtesy I will give 1 light tap and thats all. I used to work in traffic with someone who whenever he heard a horn honk anywhere he would yell " Go around FATHEAD " To me Marin is still laid back and relaxing , but there are still some serious Kooks here who are still on New York time. Road rage kills far more people than drunk drivers , one really has to watch out for those MADD mothers. There is an orginization in Southern Marin called DAMM , Drinkers Against Mad Mothers. I knew some Police Officers who told me they would stay out of sight during commute times , a good time to have breakfast or dinner. I think it's best to stay off the freeway at all times , and always take back roads. If someone is acting agressive , I will gladly pull over whenever it is safe. I think the worst places are when 2 lanes are funneled down to one , like on Blithedale in M.V. , Sir Francis Drake at Larkspur landing going east and a few other bad spots. I have been hit by someone once from behind who apperantly didn't see that his lane had ended and didn't hear the raised pavement markers he was running over. After that I now watch my mirror in those situations and I will straddle the skip line to make sure anyone who is behind me will stay behind me , and not try to get ahead and force me off the road or into oncomming traffic.
Ok, I've been fed up with drivers around here for a long time, now. Not that I am perfect, but jeez, I try to show a little courtesy, most of the time, anyway. I've had one too many rude incidents happen to me or around me, so I started writing this little guide to local driving. Feel free to make your own contributions.
I first started driving in the beautiful Twin Cities of Larkspur/Corte Madera in 1981. During the last 6 or 7 years, I have noticed that some of our newer neighbors might not be aware of a few of our local driving customs that have existed for generations in our community. Here is a handy list including a few of the basics, for reference.
Twin Cities Driving Guide What is Ok and What is Not OK (abridged addition)
1. When a car is stopped at a crosswalk on Tamalpais Dr., or any other busy roadway, it is NOT OK to drive up behind said car and blast your horn. You may not see a reason to stop, but perhaps the other driver does. Why risk death or injury or a $150 ticket?
2. It IS OK to be confused about the Twin City Police Department's pedestrian sting operation. Is it legal to proceed through the crosswalk once the pedestrian gets to the middle traffic island, or do we need to wait until they completely cross to the other side of the street?
3. Parents, no, it is NOT OK to stop in the middle of Pixley Ave., or any other street surrounding our local schools, to drop off your child in the morning. Please pull over to the curb, or at least as far to the right as you can get, and for goodness sakes, put your blinker on.
4. When navigating a narrow road with room for only one car at a time, it is definitely NOT OK to attempt to pass the car in front of you, who is politely waiting for the driver from the other end of the street to pass through. Unless, of course, your car has some kind of new stilt technology.
5. It is also NOT OK for the victim from #4 to "flip the bird" to the rude driver. Although it feels good, it really accomplishes nothing and may cause rude driver to become even more erratic.
6. It is REALLY OK for drivers to slow down when coming off the Alexander Ave. bridge. We must remember that there are always children in that area. Yes, our children are in danger from speeding drivers in all of our neighborhoods, but the area around this bridge rates especially high on the danger meter.
7. This one is for pedestrians. Please remember, it is NOT OK to walk blithely out in front of cars without even slowing down a little bit. What are you thinking? This is especially noticable at the Corte Madera Town Center. I wonder when TCPD will do a pedestrian sting?
These are just a few local courtesy customs, that, if learned and used, will greatly add to the peace and enjoyment of all in our community, just as it was in generations past. Remember, take a deep breath, slow down, relax. You are not in New York or Los Angeles anymore. That extra minute or two you think you gain by aggressive driving? It really doesn't make a difference.