Back in in 1967 the City of Mill Valley was the first City in the nation to enact the anti commune ordinance. Citing concerns about parking , noise and fire danger , it became illegal to have more than 8 unrelated people living in a single family dwelling. Communism has been a bain to the govenment and corporations for over a hundred years in this country. Communist people were not allowed to live in single family homes. They live in high rise apartment buildings that are shoddily built and maintained by the government. Only the elite ( government officials and mafia ) were allowed to live in private homes. Now communist living is being embraced by the government/ corporations. They are now building all high rise commie apartment buildings in many parts of the bay area, only with a capitalist twist , a person cannot rent these apartments for a modest fee , but has to secure a loan to live in the box , that way they the developers get their money all at once , and let the new tenants pay all the taxes and interest. The reason they are stacking people in these buildings is that the corporations absolutely refuse to pay their workers enough to live in houses and are scared to death about how the people can afford to live here and work dirt cheap. That is why the government loves all the immigrant workers here , because they are willing to work for much less , and they know that eventually it will drive all our wages down to the ground. And the corporations/govenment will have total control , and will all loose.