Reminds me of the gal who, during one of the Larkspur Downtown Historic Walks I went on, in all seriousness started railing against the Silver Peso, how tawdry it was, what an eyesore, etc. etc., rant rave. I actually agree; I think it should be remodeled into glass & burnished aluminum and turned into management consulting office. Better yet, a boutique featuring native art from obscure but non-existent aboriginal cultures.
A woman I know told me she thinks that the bridge should be torn down, because it is unsafe. It should have sidewalks on both sides for the kids, and the turn by Acacia should be redone to make it safer. I gasped and told her no no no! Too many memories! Leaning over the railing and dropping rocks to the railroad tracks, watching the kids at the Little League games, watching the extremely daring kids climb to the top of the arches ( as a mother now, I shudder in horror), climbing the steep dirt embankment under the bridge...