Very possibly; it's certainly a name with memories that go way back. Another is Thom McCann - I'm pretty sure there was one on 4th in SR. Now, there's a pretty research project: stores on 4th St. in San Rafael that sold Keds in the mid-1950s. Time to hit the I-J microfilms at the library.
Other 1950s SF TV kid's show hosts I fondly recall: Captain Fortune and Deputy Dave. The Captain was a fellow named Peter Abenheim; I don't know who played Deputy Dave. They had back-to-back shows on KPIX, showing cartoons, and with a gallery of local kids. I always wanted to be on one of those shows, but never found out how, until, to my green-eyed envy, one of my best friends got to go on one of them with his Cub Scout troup. Man, was I fried over that. Almost made me want to join the Scouts.
The opening to Captain Fortune's show was a film of a bunch of kids running up the steps of an old Victorian mansion. I was convinced that's where the show came from (though of couse it originated in the KPIX studios on Van Ness), and tried to get my father to drive me around SF until I found the place. That plan, of course, died in the water (appropriately enough).
One day, the Captain wandered a little too far off his set into, as he described it, "Deputy Dave Land" and my worldview suddenly suffered a major disruption.
To establish my bona fides as a genuine Fireman Frank fan, I herewith post an image of my very own Karl the Karrot Keds Klub button, which features an accurate representation of the venerable vegetable himself. It was obtained, no doubt, at a (Warning: on-topic alert) Fourth Street shoe store in San Rafael, the name of which is lost in the mists of time and my memory banks. Karl's vocabulary was rather limited; basically, he just shook violently and went "blubble blubble blubble," topknot flailing about. Fireman Frank's other main characters, Dynamo Dudley (a robot) and Scat the Cat (like Karl, a sort of proto-beatnik), were considerably more intelligible.
There were two Fireman Franks (this was in the mid-50s, BTW); the first one, an older, portly guy, died in office apparently (I vaguely remember him), then George Lamont, a Bay Area disc jockey, took over, and he's the one who created Karl and the others. He was one of those guys who was just genuinely funny per se, not just for kids. Adults (including the guys in the TV studio) would be rolling on the floor, and though us kids didn't get all the humor the older folks did, we'd be reduced to helpless giggling puddles as well.
More info on him can be found by Googling "fireman frank." Do a Google "Groups" search on the ba.broadcast newsgroup to see more recollections of him.
How about Marshall Jay ? My dad worked at KPIX, so any time I went by to visit him at the station we'd drop by to say hi to Marshall Jay. I also remember Bob March aka 'Capt. Satellite' who was the KTVU childrens show host in the afternoons, my mom took me to meet him at the Red Barn in Ross in the early 60's & somewhere in our family archives is a photo of me being held by the Captain himself, who was wearing his 'flight uniform'.
This is a great are some names, Skipper or Sir Sedley, he was on KTVU, Channel 2 at 5 weekdays, he would show the real old Popeye's (which were much better than the newer ones). Here's one I would like to see if people remember...Fireman Frank, his sidekick was Carl the Carrot...a real carrot with the greens still attached. I would ask my mother when she was at the checkstand "don't let the clerk rip the greens off" because I wanted my own Carl and of coarse she would forget and the clerk would grab the greens twist and...gone!
Good old Bob Wilkins! He also was the host "Creature Features". The 10pm Saturday nite horror movie show. Who could forget "Captain Satellite", also ch. 2, and "Mayor Art" on ch. 4.
Does anyone remember "Captain Cosmic" on Channel 2 during the late Seventies?
I've been updating the site lately and added a "Classic TV" section in the SPOTLIGHT section. If you were a fan of Bob Wilkins, you may enjoy checking out the clip.
You'll also note a few other new additions in the Spotlight section. Just click "Spotlight" under the banner. Let me know if anything doesn't work. It's always a work in progress around here. :)