While at SF State from '68-'70, I traded a 1959 Corvette I smashed up for a 1955 Cadillac Ambulance. Had more fun (and got a lot 'luckier') than I ever did with the Vette. Back then, you'd pick up anybody and everybody with it. I must have given every relative of Cheech and Chong a ride, cause most of the time I couldn't see out of the back for all the smoke. Painted the sides with "Harlem Taxi Service of San Francsico". Of course, the sign in the rear window reading: "Don't Laugh, Your Daughter May Be In The Back" drew some stares (and fingers).
That thing was l o n g & HEAVY. We took it over the Siskiyous at 70 mph with chains and no brains in the snow one time. Never did get a parking ticket....I think the cops loved it too much. It had Kentucky plates on it, registered as a house-car. Finally sold it because of the price of gas and that damn Viet Nam thing.
Would I like to have it back, you ask? You betcha!
Remember when ambulances were converted Cadillacs? Like overgrown station wagons. Here's one in the 1966 Larkspur July 4 parade, shot as it passed Probert's (later Dexter) Toyota, site if the notorious tilted Toyota. Since this is Larkspur, my guess is that this ambulance might have belonged to John Raggio, former Larkspur fire chief, who ran an ambulance outfit down on lower Ward St., behind the American Legion Hall. I remember seeing one of his earlier ones, fire engine red and white, screaming down Magnolia from time to time. The basic body of this one is a 1960 model.