Many years ago as I returned to my childhood home after some years away, I reflected on my charmed childhood there and thought I should write a book called "Paridise Lost". Original, eh? I was taken aback to learn the title was already taken and never got around to writing the book. I love to write and have often been told of "my talent' and urged to do so. It so happens that over the ensuing years I would meet one and then another of my generation (born '51) and learn the fascinating low-down-skinnys of their lives. I realized how unique, interesting, often even weird, "our real stories" are, and I was struck with how fascinating a book it would make. One of my friends said, "NO! I would never publish my experiences." which brought me to the fack that no one would have to identify themselves and could use fake names for people and places, just as long as the events, etc., were thoroughly true. I also realized that "ghost authors" could be provided in the cases of persons without writing talent or interest. Maybe "interviews" with myself as the single writer is the way to go. I haven't thought about it thoroughly. My idea is that all who submitted accepted stories would be renumerated either profits sharing, regular paid submitals, whatever - haven't though this far. I am curious to hear if from people who might consider sharing their stories. I have in mind - by the way - something along the lines of 5 to 25 pages per person kind of thing, depending on whether a certain period of life is being reviewed or a whole life's overview. I am curious about other's responses to this idea. I would consider collaborative partnership, assistance, consulting, etc. By the way, my original thought for a title was "Class of 69" but I believe it's been taken too!