You are so welcome!!!! I'm having so much fun watching the forum expand in so many interesting directions. When I get a chance (between selling Real Estate and my newborn baby -- HA!), I'm going to cull through the Forum and start adding quotes/captions to the pictures that relate.
So, if any of you can think of captions or memories related to the individual pictures, please shoot me a Comment to the right under "Comments".
Wouldn't it be amazing if one day all the pictures had captions and related memories from Marinites right next to them?
Please email me at and I'll try to figure out what's going on. I appreciate you letting me know. If you write me and tell me your name and email, I think I can figure out what's going wrong.
I'm having problems creating a login acount. I tried to make one yesterday, and it didn't work. Today, when I tried to re-do it, with the same info I tried to use yesterday, it rejected my info, saying my e-mail was already registerd. Yet, I cannot login.
Also, when I tried to use the comment section, it wouldn't let me send one unless I attached a photo.
Maybe I'm totally clueless? I've tried several times with both of these....
It's AMAZING to read all these entries in the Forum. I'm already starting to receive new photos from visitors and can't wait to update "The Most Wanted List" and put the new images up. Keep'em coming!!! (By the way, if you send in a picture please let me know how you'd like to be credited on the site.)
I really recommend joining the Member thing above in the Forum and logging into the Forum as a Member -- that way you get automatic messages by email from the system (if you wish) telling you when someone has responded to your messages. It makes browsing new messages so much easier. Of course, you can still be anonymous if you just have to come up with a Screen Name.
Regarding Captions -- a few people have written that they'd like to see more captions defining "What, When, and Where" for the photos. In most cases, I don't have much more info.
My hope is that users (you) will comment on the photos when they are so inspired. I'll post the comments next to the pictures. In theory, eventually the gallery will be filled with photos and captions...supplied by You, the Visitors. Should be much more interesting that way. So, don't be shy. If you see a picture of something that you remember, write a note about it in the Forum. Don't forget, it's a "grassroots virtual museum" -- "created for Marinites *by* Marinites".
Most importantly, thanks so much to everyone for filling this site with so many interesting comments and memories in only 2 days! It's awesome.
Have fun,
P.S. If you want to be notified occasionally about new content on the site, fill out the little form to the right under "Leave A Comment". Thanks again!!!!